Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pakistan admits plot at last

Pakistan Admits Plot At Last

Pakistan had to admit hatching of the 26/11 plot 'partly' on its soil at last. Faced with incontrovertible evidence, unrelenting international pressure, Obama regime's tough stand and mounting public opinion left Pakistan with no alternative to admit 'partial' hatching of the plot on its soil. India did the right thing to mount global pressure. Simultaneously Obama administration's heat on Pakistan for strict accountability in its war against terrorism and US FBI's findings put Pakistan on the mat. Pakistan's several round abouts to absolve in the face of undeniable evidence couldn't help either. Having reached so far, the pressure must be mounted to dismantle terror outfits in Pakistan, otherwise it can strike not only against india, but the destination can be anywhere in the world as the warlords decide.Pakistan has done the first step towards correction and this needs to be acknowledged.It takes time for hard mindsets to change.


13 Feb 09

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