Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bushed World

Bushed World

George Bush leaves the White House with mixed reactions and evaluations( TOI Jan 20) Bush had 90 per cent approval ratings when he was ushed into presidency but leaves with 30 per cent approval. To say that ' there were things which he could do differently if given the chance' is a lament with no takers. Bush inherited a budget with a surplus of over $200 million, but leaves with a projected deficit of $1 trillion. He deviated from the internationally backed Afghanistan mission to a self conceived overreach in Iraq, bringing in its wake domestic and global condemnation. He couldn't perceive 'weapons of mass destruction' in well oiled terror outfits but gave tacit support to an erstwhile military regime in Pakistan. But Bush must be credited with the safe passage of nuclear deal with india and support against terrorism after the Mumbai attack. Bush missed good chances, we may attribute it to human failure. Let the Obama regime correct the imbalances and let's hope India will have excellent ties with the US in future.


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