Friday, February 20, 2009

Judicial transparency and accountability

Judicial transparency and accountability

Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer's leading article (The Hindu Feb 19) is a brilliant analysis of the judicial system in India. As a reputed Supreme Court Judge for over seven years and writer par excellence on legal issues, Krishna Iyer decries the style and conduct of judicial system in India. There are no two opinions about the need for courts to be clean, run on the basis of straight, transparent and accountable code of conduct if a vibrant democracy is to function and flourish. He advocates the setting up of a performance commission to review judicial system and functioning. In our greedy age, culture has become commercial and the tendency of the judges to exhibit materialistic trade union tendencies for escalating privileges seems improper when millions of our countrymen are below the poverty line living under subhuman conditions. The judicial system needs revamping to expedite decisions and Justice Iyer cites behavioural impropriety leading to functional anarchy in the administration of justice. Justicing should uphold justice, social, economic and political and the great trust reposed by the people of India in Judiciary as their sacred hope and dearest right should be uphelad under all circumstances. This may mean a performance commission to review judicial process. In any case, the only hope for the people is an independent judiciary and people's confidence level must be kept in tact.

Feb 20-09

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