Friday, April 4, 2008

The Sixth Pay Commission

The Sixth Pay Commission RecommendationsThe sixth Pay Commission's recommendations seem to bridge the gap between compensation packets of the government functionaries and those in the private sector. Though the nature of work and involvement are not identitical, the effort is to bring some parity.Voices of dissent are coming up from different wings of the government itself and a lot of efforts are needed to bring balance.Government servants enjoy a lot of facilities like housing, medical, transport, leave travel, retirement, add ons like pension for life time. They have more or less fixed times of duty up to a level. However these are not available to private employees and hire-fire system is common. Private employees at every level are accountable, delays are not permissble and extended work hours are a general rule. Therefore comparisons are not applicable, each sector has its own strengths and weaknesses. But if the government employees can deliver the work on time, no one will grudge the hikes. Otherwise, the tax payer will pay much more for delayed or denied results

Mumbai 28-3-08 Email ID <>

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