Friday, April 11, 2008

OBC Reservations

OBC Reservations

The Apex Court verdict upholding the controversial law providing for 27 per cent reservations for OBCs in the Central Educational Institutions including IITs and IIMs is a major victory for the UPA government. It is a consolation that the 'creamy layer' among the backwards will not get reservation, though some of the Dalit leaders may pursue for its inclusion. It is highlighted in the judgment that reservation is one of the many tools used to preserve essence of equality, so that disadvantaged groups can be brought to the forefront of civil life. Eloquent arguments can be had to favour both sides of contenders. Nor it is possible to give a judgment which is acceptable to both sides.OBC candidates. had been suffering privations over long priods because of their peculiar status in the society and the constituition itself provides for safeguards for people of SC-ST denominations. On the other side, there are brilliant and eligible candidates in the so called upper castes and to deny them chances for higher education may be a travesty. Democracy is all about debates and decisions on public concerns as reflected in the 93rd Amendment and Central Educational Institutions Act. It certainly upholds the laudable effort of the governmnet to translate the vision to promote the co-ownership of the elements of democracy by the backward classes. A corollary to the concession for the OBCs may be the call for reservations for the poor among the forward classes. Plea for inclusion of the creamy layer would be an absurdity and a shocking aberration. It can provoke an endless debate as the decision has opened a Pandora's box.

Mumbai 11-4-08 Email ID

Thursday, April 10, 2008



Dr M.S.Gill did a remarkably independant job as India's Chief Election Commissioner and the nation recognises this. But his appointment to a political job as MoS has raised eyebrows. Supreme Court and High Court judges the CAG are barred by law to take up jobs after retirement. The Election Commissioners are statutory authorities and should fall under the same category as the judges and the CAG. These are eminent persons with independent status and should remain so in public eye. This view had been shattered by an earlier CEC aligning with a regional political party and then migrating to a national party to contest elections. The BJP made a noise over this but they too crossed the Lakshman Rekha by appointing a retired CAG as a state governor. In a polity wrecked by rampant corruption and actions of expediency, offices of constitutional authrities need to be insulated against offer of reappointments on retirement. If this policy is favoured, democratic foundations are bound to suffer in the long run. This is not to say anything against Dr Gill as a person, but we are discussing broader national issues.

Mumbai 10-4-08 Email ID <>

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Julio Rebeiro

Julio Ribeiro gets Dadabhai Naoroji Award

Mr Julio Rebeiro, former Mumbai city police commissioner is a Titan among India's sons and by honouring him with Dadabhai Naoroji award, we are honouring ourselves. Rebeiro has an impeccable record of public service as a top IPS officer and his contributions as police commissioner, chief of security in Punjab, Ambassador of Romania and Head of various social organisations mark him out as an outstanding Indian. A no non-sense official, he wielded the positions with great eclat. While managing patently difficult assignments, Rebeiro remained calm and was approachable to the common man. His striking ability to understand human psychology made him acceptable to the slum dweller and the influential alike. He soared so high in public esteem, that none in top police cadres could ever come near. Honesty and credibility in public service made him the most popular police commissioner and a Padma Bhushan Awardee. His life and achievements serve as a beacon light worthy of emulation by government officials. His excellent articles in the journals are a treat for the readers.

Mumbai 8-4-08 Email ID

Friday, April 4, 2008

Disband Salwa Judum forthwith

Vigilantism is counterproductive

The supreme court's decision that Salwa Judum employed by Chattisgarh government and blessed by the union government tantamounts to abetment to murder is timely. It is true that parts of Chattisgarh is infested by Naxals posing serious law and order problems in the state. But the reign of terror unleashed by the state government and its vigilante squads hardly justifies the pattern of solving the problem. It is hoped that the apex court order will bring to halt the vigilante squad operations started in Dantewada since 2005. Vigilante squads cannot be compared with the village self protection groups in J&K state The atrocities committed by the Vigilante squad by killing about 500 villagers and displacing thousands of tribals from their homeland need to be probed by an independent commission. The hapless tribals have migrated to adjoing areas and they are undergoing untold sufferings caused by the state administration. Naxalism needs to be countered by more pragmatic methods and not by Salwa Judum and similar tactics. The state administration must get some punishment for fostering such unpardonable acts and the tribals affected must be resored to their homes and fields to resume their herditary occupations. We must not forget that we are living in an independent India with soverign rights tto the people. It is significant to note that only a PIL could reverse such a perverse practice.

Mumbai 5-4-08 Email Id

The Sixth Pay Commission

The Sixth Pay Commission RecommendationsThe sixth Pay Commission's recommendations seem to bridge the gap between compensation packets of the government functionaries and those in the private sector. Though the nature of work and involvement are not identitical, the effort is to bring some parity.Voices of dissent are coming up from different wings of the government itself and a lot of efforts are needed to bring balance.Government servants enjoy a lot of facilities like housing, medical, transport, leave travel, retirement, add ons like pension for life time. They have more or less fixed times of duty up to a level. However these are not available to private employees and hire-fire system is common. Private employees at every level are accountable, delays are not permissble and extended work hours are a general rule. Therefore comparisons are not applicable, each sector has its own strengths and weaknesses. But if the government employees can deliver the work on time, no one will grudge the hikes. Otherwise, the tax payer will pay much more for delayed or denied results

Mumbai 28-3-08 Email ID <>

Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens face a variety of problems and it is time that we address this issue with the seriousness it deserves. The senior citizens are about 81 million now and the numbers are growing. A good number of those between 60 and 70 years of age do some work according to their abilities and supplement their income and engage in some activity to keep life moving well. Thus they contribute to the well being of the country even after the mandatory retirement. However the society has a short memory and forgets the contributions the seniors had done earlier. The senior citizens face the challenge of getting relegated to the backyard a large number of them are facing some kind of rejection from the youngsters. It can be mitigated by senior teaching some children in the locality or share their skills to the needy students. The corporations, municipal councils and educational institutional institutions may take advantage of seniors by involving them into some useful activity. There are several NGOs who may like seniors to participate in nation building activities according to their skills and state of health. If computer literate, they can do a variety of activities aimed at developing neighbourhood and in the process remain engaged in an enjoyable activity.Above all, they can spend time on spiritual advancement and sublimate their lives.

Mumbai 4-4-08 Email ID



Your editorial ( TOI March 3) regarding broadbasing broadband is appropriate and timely. TRAI may claim that 60 million Indians have access to internet, 46 million have wireless internet subscribers and 2.47 brodband subscribers These numbers are small compaed to our large population. It ia noteworthy that India has one of the lowest broadband subscriber penetration rates in Asia. The government attempt to maximise revenue gains by imposing high liecnsing tariff on service providers is not a welcome step.Broadband facility should be considered as a basic necessity for ushering in development. Disparities in knowledge dissemination can be removed by enhancing broadband access to a larger section of people. At the same time the quality of broadband service needs to be improved to avoid huge time loss.

Mumbai 4-4-08 Email ID

IIT Fee hike

IIT Fee hike

The fee hike by the IITs came in for a wide discussion in the media. The yawning gap between the demand for funds and availability to keep these quality institions in prime shape can be met only by pumping additional funds. The fee structure was set years ago and the allround expendiiture levels have gone up considerably. The staff salaries are raised periodically and other expenses too have gone up. Such institutions need to be kept updated by suitable infrastructure. It may be said that the government is spending something like Rs 750 crores annually to maintain the IITs and a further allocation may not be feasible. At the same time Indian students are reported to be spending $13 billion annually in pursuit of higher education abroad. and the banks are liberal to give loans to such students.Many students from the upper income brackets can afford proposed fee hike It is agreed that the poor and meritorious students should not be priced out by the fee hike and the solution lies in giving them suitable scholarships and soft loans.This procedure may enable releasing a good amount to set up primary education facilities. Taking all these factors into consideration, the IIT fee hike seems justifiable.

Mumbai 4-4-08 Email ID